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Term Information

ginoecio (Spanish, exact), gynaecium (exact), gynoecia (exact, plural), 雌蕊群 (Japanese, exact), Poaceae gynoecium (narrow), Zea gynoecium (narrow), apocarpous gynoecium (narrow), gynoecium of ear floret (narrow), gynoecium of lower floret of pedicellate spikelet of ear (narrow), gynoecium of lower floret of pedicellate spikelet of tassel (narrow), gynoecium of lower floret of sessile spikelet of ear (narrow), gynoecium of lower floret of sessile spikelet of tassel (narrow), gynoecium of tassel floret (narrow), gynoecium of upper floret of pedicellate spikelet of ear (narrow), gynoecium of upper floret of pedicellate spikelet of tassel (narrow), gynoecium of upper floret of sessile spikelet of ear (narrow), gynoecium of upper floret of sessile spikelet of tassel (narrow), syncarpous gynoecium (narrow), pistil (broad)
Alternate IDs
PO:0006317, PO:0006425, PO:0006403, PO:0006404, PO:0006426, PO:0006357, PO:0006423, PO:0006424, PO:0025089, PO:0006365, PO:0006384, PO:0006394, PO:0006391
A collective phyllome structure (PO:0025023) composed all of the carpels (PO:0009030) in a flower (PO:0009046). Source: POC:curators
If annotating gene expression to a gynoecium with a single carpel (PO:0009030), the annotation should go on carpel. A gynoecium with two or more carpels may be either syncarpous (carpels fused) or apopcarpous (carpels free) or the carpels may be partially fused. The word pistil is used synonymously with gynoecium for a synocarpous gynoecium, and synonymously with carpel for an apocarpous gynoecium, whether it has one or more carpels. In Zea mays, gynoecia of tassel florets and of the lower florets of ear spikelets usually do not develop fully, and they are present in a rudimentary state. If you are annotating to this structure for Zea mays or other grasses, please also add an annotation to the corresponding floret type. Choose the most specific term possible from: spikelet floret (PO:0009082), ear floret (PO:0006354), lower floret of pedicellate spikelet of ear (PO:0006353), lower floret of sessile spikelet of ear (PO:0006351), upper floret of pedicellate spikelet of ear (PO:0006350), upper floret of sessile spikelet of ear (PO:0006352), tassel floret (PO:0006310), lower floret of pedicellate spikelet of tassel (PO:0006313), lower floret of sessile spikelet of tassel (PO:0006315), upper floret of pedicellate spikelet of tassel (PO:0006314), upper floret of sessile spikelet of tassel (PO:0006316).
Contact the Planteome feedback if you find mistakes or have concerns about the data you find here.
Comments, changes to terms, or requests for new ontology terms can be made at PO issue tracker on GitHub.

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Graph of PO:0009062

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Parents of gynoecium (PO:0009062)
subject[Reorder by subject] relation[Reorder by relation] object[Reorder by object]
gynoecium [BFO:0000050 relation] BFO:0000050  flower (PO:0009046)
gynoecium [RO:0002202 relation] RO:0002202  gynoecium primordium (PO:0000019)
gynoecium [is_a relation] is_a  collective phyllome structure (PO:0025023)
Children of gynoecium (PO:0009062)
subject[Reorder by subject] relation[Reorder by relation] object[Reorder by object]
plant ovary septum (PO:0025262) [BFO:0000050 relation] BFO:0000050  gynoecium
pistillode (PO:0009078) [is_a relation] is_a  gynoecium
fruit (PO:0009001) [RO:0002202 relation] RO:0002202  gynoecium
carpel (PO:0009030) [BFO:0000050 relation] BFO:0000050  gynoecium
gynoecium ridge (PO:0025088) [is_a relation] is_a  gynoecium